St. Vincent De Paul Society, Inc.

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St. Vincent De Paul Society, Inc.

2050-C Chamblee Tucker Rd
Atlanta, GA - 30341

  • (678) 892-6160

About St. Vincent De Paul Society, Inc.

Last-Modified: 2024-01-02 08:23:44

The St. Vincent De Paul Society's mission is to help people in need find resources that help them move from crisis to stability and self-sufficiency. Direct aid assistance is the heart of the work of the local Conferences and Family Support Centers.
The Society provides financial assistance for a range of needs including:
Rent and housing Utilities Food Medical/Dental/Prescriptions Counseling Legal fees Transportation Burials

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User questions & answers

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
These people never answer the phone, and they don't call back.
Added Tuesday, May 30, 2023


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
They never answer the phone,you will need to go to their location if you can.
Added Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

No one has answered this question yet.

20 Reviews of St. Vincent De Paul Society, Inc.

Vincent image

Mar 1, 2010

My name IS Vincent Merritt,i'm unemployed.I live in an extendedstay hotel(The staylodge)here in Newnan Ga.The unemplolyment benifits have run out.I've searched hi and low for work,no luck.I need help with my rent,i hope that i can get some help.thank you.Vincent Merritt


Jan 21, 2020

I am in need of rental assistance. I live on a small ss monthly benefit. The thought of becoming homeless at 66 is frightening. Utilities being cut off to try to make rent and buy food. I am in desperate need of any assistance thank you and God bless


Feb 5, 2020

My husband hasn't been able to work because of the weather and am disable. We're in need of financial assistance to pay our rent. I would be greatly appreciated it if we can get assistance on this. Thank you and may God bless you


Feb 12, 2020

Single father of 3 boys in need of help. Bills are piling up and I can not find work. I will work off the assistance needed to pay utilities and some of the rent. Please help


Mar 13, 2020

I'm an army veteran and a single mother I just called the phone number and was told that they don't cover my area. I really need some help getting $600 together and all I get is a recorded message. I am not happy


May 5, 2020

hello good morning ... my name is kelin f Fominguez ... my reason to write is because I really need your help with my irent am already a month behind, I am a single mother of 2 girls one of 2 years and another of 3 months .. due to the situation of the covi19 I am without a job .. and without being able to pay my electricity bill ... in truth you would appreciate your support .. God bless you


May 16, 2020

Tengo 2 meses sin trabajar.. nO HABIA pedido AYUDA XQ TENIA UNOS shorris PERO YA SE me acabaron..ojala me puedan AYUDAR TENGO UNA FAMILIA mi esposa..y mis 2 HIJOS NUNCA he PEDIDO AYUDAR OJALA ME auden CON MI RENTA HAORA SIo nesesito..muchas GRACIAS Y QUE DIOS LOS bendiga...


May 24, 2020

Como puedo hacer para que me ayuden a pagar mi renta , ya tengo que pagarla esta semana y no tengo el Dinero . La persona que me renta no ha parado de cobrar La renta ni un solo mes tengo dos niños


Jul 2, 2020

Good Afternoon, my name is Bill Jones and I am a single father who is staying in an extended stay with my 8 year old son. I am currently out of work and have been for quite some time, it has been difficult to find work due to Covid. As I continue to look for work everyday,I do not have enough to pay my upcoming rent of $277 . I really need any help available or other resources please. May god bless you.


Jul 22, 2020

I am a single mother of 5 children seeking rent assistance I am currently working a part time job and they just recently cut my hours. Thanks for any resources you may have


Sep 2, 2020

I am seeking assistance with house hold items I have 4 grandkids and I am unemployed I haven't worked since March it has been a real struggle I could also use help with prescription as well thanks for your time Tina Shirah


Oct 9, 2020

Are you providing rental assistance?


Oct 14, 2020

Hi my name is malvina hanna,I'm a single mother with a 14 year old son he was diagnosed with ADHD and austim we are homeless and have no where to live,we have no family to turn to,as a mother raising a disabled child it's very hard especially knowing that we have to live from place to place sometimes not knowing if we are going to eat,I'm desperately in the need of some where to live all I want is for my son to have a roof over his head some where that he can call home,if you can help us get into a apartment that will be the best news I have heard in three years please I just need to see my son smile again, because it's been really hard on me living from place to place


Dec 7, 2020

I'm looking for some help in getting into a apartment or a house for me & my son. I move up here in Atlanta GA 2 year ago & just a year ago I got full custody of my 2 year old son and I'm trying my best to raise him in a better environment. Right now I'm living in Hotel in Decatur but my job is in Smyrna. I really prefer to live in Marietta Georgia area. My hours been cut & I'm struggling to make $250 a week for the room(every Wednesday) me & my son are in. I don't know what else to do.


Dec 13, 2020

I need assistance paying my last due rent I’m in the service industry and struggling to catch up .


Feb 24, 2021

I'm looking for help to pay the rent. I'm not working due to the pandemic. I have 3 minor children, they receive classes at home, which I have to take care of.


Apr 14, 2021

Disable veteran with three children in need of utility assistance.


Apr 27, 2021

Me and my dog need help getting out of here, I'm on ssi disability, I get a check on 1st of month but I'm broke right now.


May 25, 2021

I’m about to lose my place because cut of unemployment and the job is not paying.


Jul 1, 2021

Hello I am behind in rent because of not working because of covid. I sm in desperate need of help. Please please if you can help me of offer Mr some advice to where I may go, I would be very appreciative. Thank you so much.

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed