Special Assistance Fund for Energy (SAFE)

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Special Assistance Fund for Energy (SAFE)

PO Box 10100
Reno, NV - 89520

  • (775) 834-4444

About Special Assistance Fund for Energy (SAFE)

Last-Modified: 2024-03-14 06:41:57

The SAFE program, associated with NV Energy, is a "gap-filling" program, designed to assist people who, through income limitations or other unusual circumstances, find themselves in a situation where they are having difficulty paying their utility bills.

The program is intended to supplement state and federal low-income energy assistance programs, which are the primary sources of energy assistance throughout Nevada.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
Added Tuesday, April 13, 2021


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
any notices received from your landlord, lease agreement, past due notices, letter from agency your get paid from or award letter, bank statements usually for 3 months.
Added Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

1 Answers so far
It depends if you still meet other eligibility requirements. If a person only gets 73/wk unemployment ($292/mo) and has other expenses as well, that's not leaving them with much to where they are still eligible for assistance.
Added Saturday, January 15, 2022


How and where do I apply for help for energy assistance?

1 Answers so far
Majority of the resource centers, welfare, energy... they all will provide you with an application to fill out and then you gotta mail it in to the address on the app or drop it off. You can even download it online thru links these federal/state resource sites have on their pages.
Added Saturday, January 15, 2022

5 Reviews of Special Assistance Fund for Energy (SAFE)


Jun 11, 2020

I need help for my rent


Aug 6, 2020

I need help on my rent I'm 2 months behind because I lost my job.


Dec 20, 2020

I need help finding a place to live after living in this house for 11 years the Land


Mar 2, 2021

We need help paying rent or power. My husband has a job and I am trying to get disability. So far denied. I am under a doctor's care and getting shots in my back and meds by mouth too.


May 8, 2021

This is great information. I am contacting the organizations listed for assistance. I am not behind in my rent, however, the lease is up soon. I would become homeless if evicted. There was affordable housing available that would be helpful. There is not. It's ridiculous how high the rents have become. At a time when people are struggling, greed overtakes human need.

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