Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of Nevada

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Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of Nevada

737 Veterans Memorial Drive
Las Vegas, NV - 89101

  • (702) 382-2353

About Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of Nevada

Last-Modified: 2024-02-16 09:09:50

The American Legion Department of Nevada offers assistance through their Temporary Financial Assistance Program. This program is available to those that qualify and are approved. The program is administered through the National Office however applicants are screened on a local or Post level. The applicants needs are investigated fully before approval is given. Eligible applicants are minor children whose biological parent, or legal guardian, is a veteran and is, or would have been, eligible for American Legion membership.
Legion membership is not required however. Applicants 18-20 years old will also be considered if a current disability requires special schooling or indefinite in-home care, or they are enrolled in an approved high school and are unmarried. Legion membership eligibility requires the parent or guardian must have served at least one day of active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States during one of the following periods:Dec. 7, 1941-Dec. 31, 1946June 25, 1950-Jan. 31, 1955Feb. 28, 1961-May 7, 1975August 24, 1982-July 31, 1984Dec. 20, 1989-Jan. 31, 1990Aug. 2, 1990-Cessation of hostilities as determined by the U.S. Government.
If you would like more information please contact them directly .

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
Added Sunday, June 21, 2020


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
Valid state ID and two most recent pays-tubs.
Added Thursday, January 25, 2024


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

1 Answers so far
maybe matters on the situation
Added Thursday, January 25, 2024


Can anyone apply for this assistance or only people who have served in the military?

No one has answered this question yet.


Where to fill out a application for assistance?

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Do you help with water utility?

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19 Reviews of Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of Nevada


Apr 8, 2020

I am seeking rental assistance for the month of May. Thank u


Apr 8, 2020

I am seeking rental assistance for the month of May. Thank u


Apr 9, 2020

Please help me. My husband and I are both on a lockdown because of the Covid19. Due to no fault of our own. We do feel like victims. We have never been late before. We can not pay our rent for the month of April. Our rent is past due. 700.00 is what we owe w/,o late fees.


Apr 23, 2020

Hello, I am in a bind, I was furloughed from my job on March 17th due to covid-19. I applied for unemployment online of which I was eligible for, but I answered the workers compensation question wrong. I was receiving medical only for a car accident at my previous place of employment, I did not know they meant payments from workers compensation which I do not receive, and now it is sitting in limbo. I can not change the info online, and I can not get through on the phone. I have bills due and can not afford to pay with no income. I still have not received my stimulus check either. I have had no income since March 17th, 2020 and I am in need of help.


Apr 24, 2020

I can't get thru to unemployment to pay my rent


May 7, 2020

Im a single mom and need help due to corona virus


May 22, 2020

I need help paying may's rent


Jun 30, 2020

I am a single mom who is disabled and need help due to corona virus and I lost my husband and his income.


Jul 28, 2020

I am married with 4 children 3 of which currently live with my wife and I. I have been furloughed as of March 20th from both of my jobs. Was able to pay March-May, and have struggled since. My rent is 1785/Mo. Have not been able to put the funds together for June-present. If there is any assistance out there your help will be greatly appreciated.


Jul 30, 2020

Hello to whom it may concern im inquiring on if there is a possibility I can receive help paying my rent it would be greatly appreciated!!! God bless plz respond on what needs to be done on my part to maybe getting assitance


Aug 12, 2020

Please help with rental assistance


Aug 26, 2020

has anyone received help yet?

Michael image

Oct 6, 2020

Running out of options, need help with utilities and rent


Oct 8, 2020

I lost my place to live due to covid and unemployment taking to long to do my case I'm pretty much homeless where do I go for help can some one please tell me where I can go for help for a place to live and please do not say The Shade.....Tree


Nov 24, 2020

I recently moved to Las Vegas and the job that I was supposed to start has delayed the start date. My husband also had a job offer that he was supposed to start on 12/7/20 and they retracted their offer. We are both currently without any income and spent most of our money moving to Nevada with a 1yo. Please help.


May 18, 2021

I am need of assistance to help me pay for my rent. My unemployment has cut off.


Aug 15, 2021

i need help to pay my house rent


Oct 12, 2021

I just need help to pay my rent for one month. New job won’t start until I finish my internship this month. My son and I will be in a tight spot. Need assistant just one month.


Dec 4, 2021

Donde llenar la aplicación.

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