Housing Authority of Gloucester County Applicants & Section 8

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Housing Authority of Gloucester County Applicants & Section 8

100 Pop Moylan Blvd
Deptford, NJ - 08096

  • (856) 845-4959

About Housing Authority of Gloucester County Applicants & Section 8

Last-Modified: 2024-04-30 19:07:26

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

Tenant Based Assistance

The tenant generally pays 30% of their adjusted income towards rent and utilities and the Authority pays the rental assistance directly to third party landlords on behalf of the assisted tenants. The assisted dwelling units are subject to inspections in accordance with Housing Quality Standards promulgated by the U.S. Department of HUD.

HAGC Administers the Housing Choice Voucher program for the Glassboro Housing Authority through an inter local service agreement. The program has 262 housing vouchers.

Section 8 Moderate Housing Rehabilitation Program

Unit Based Assistance

The Authority currently has contracts with landlords totaling 15 units in the Moderate Rehabilitation Program. The tenant generally pays 30% of adjusted income towards rent and utilities and Authority pays the balance of contract rent directly to the property owner. The Housing Subsidy under the Section 8 Mod Rehab program remains with the unit. If the family moves, they lose their housing subsidy.
Mission Statement: The mission of the Housing Authority of Gloucester County is to provide quality affordable housing opportunities to those not served adequately by private/unsubsidized organizations in Gloucester County.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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How do I know if I qualify?

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How to obtain an application to receive a voucher for Section 8?

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How can I transfer my Gloucester county Section 8 voucher over to Camden county?

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13 Reviews of Housing Authority of Gloucester County Applicants & Section 8


Jan 9, 2020

Can you please tell me when is assistance for section 8 open when are application being excepted


Mar 14, 2020

We are looking to move up in Williamstown area a s a p and looking for a 3 bedroom for myself,my daughter her friend and the baby he is 5 mths


May 8, 2020

Hi I am deaf mother .. I want to a nice house three bedroom and two half bathroom,back yard space I need 8 section . Thank for read this


Jul 5, 2020

Hello need rental assistance for a 2 bed room


Aug 19, 2020

I'm looking for tow bedroom how much is for tow bedroom


Nov 2, 2020

Looking for the application for section 8!! I am in a hotel right now and I am disabled with my son who is a full time student in Camden county college


Dec 23, 2020

I've been evicted and have no place to go I found a place to live but I need housing assistance ASAP I can move in immediately but I need some kind of verification of my assistance I believe I was approved but I'm not really sure.


Jan 19, 2021

I'd like to sign up for housing I'm 74 on social security I have copd n living with my son n his family and they all smoke I've been sick there are too many people here smoking for me I'm having a hard time breathing


Feb 21, 2021

Lease is up in May, I Live in Parkcrest, Two Bedroom. I only need a One-bedroom, down grade.


May 19, 2021

Need applications for section 8 NJ. Gloucester council.


May 23, 2021

I'm 73 yrs of age soon to be 74. I'm in need of a one bedroom apartment I'm on a fixed income where I am is to high I can't afford it. I need something that goes by my income to be able to survive.


Jul 13, 2021

I am looking for a home that take voucher on section 8 housing. No Apt just a home.


Sep 2, 2021

How I would proceed so that I may receive an application to apply for a Section 8 voucher in Gloucester county New Jersey. Thanking you in advance.

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed