Catholic Charities of Central Texas Waco

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Catholic Charities of Central Texas Waco

4709 Bosque Blvd.
Waco, TX - 76710

  • 254-732-0307

About Catholic Charities of Central Texas Waco

Last-Modified: 2024-01-25 20:59:33

Catholic Charities of Central Texas Wacoprovides assistance and support to families and partners in completing and submitting applications for government benefits including:
Food StampsMedicaidCHIPTANFLong Term CareMedicare Savings Program and CHIP Perinatal, fax and copy documentation, provide brochures, applications and training.
Eligibility: income and resource limits according to federalincome poverty guidelines.
Intake Procedure: Walk-ins and by appointment, please call firstfor general information, state application processassistance and to volunteer.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Do you give rental assistance to someone on section 8 housing

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May I recieve help for food, rent, gas?

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Do you help with electricity bills?

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21 Reviews of Catholic Charities of Central Texas Waco


May 17, 2019

I need help on my water bill

Sheila image

Nov 4, 2019

I am inquiring about rental assistance.


Mar 2, 2020

I need help paying rent and prayer


Mar 30, 2020

I lost my job and my fiance is a rape victim. I need help with my rent. I am only 85$ short and my landlord will not wait. I need help.


Apr 25, 2020

I need help with rent and cash hel0 what do i need to do.

sheronica image

Apr 30, 2020

i need help with rent


May 13, 2020

We are in desperate need of help for rent we have 2 families who have just recently found employment this week but we have an eviction notice for 4 day and that is 9 children that will b homeless


May 30, 2020

I need of help paying my rent. I lost my job.


May 31, 2020

i got out of the hospital in feb when i was released the virus came out have not work since i live in a small town at the moment! my rent is behind very scary need help.


Jun 8, 2020

I need assistance with my rent


Aug 11, 2020

Do you help with rent?


Sep 28, 2020

How can I get help with my Deposit

joyce image

Nov 1, 2020

Im unemployed at the time, receiving $648 a month in unemployment benefits, my rent alone is 608 and im going into another month without enough to pay my rent, one son 17, can i please get so kind of assistance, even if its just guidance on the right way to go.


Dec 16, 2020

I need help paying my rent. I owe 1230 dollars. I do not draw enough money for rent and utilities. I paid my car off and got behind. The bank was going to repo my car. I am also 1 month behind on my water. I pay one water bill and leave one to keep it on. I draw 833 a month SSDI. It will go to 844 in January 2021. I do not know what to do; my credit score is low; I cannot get a loan to help.


Dec 22, 2020

Need help with rent.


Dec 30, 2020

I need rental assistance. I need help as soon as possible because I am living way below the federal poverty line. My rent is $713 a month and my social security check is $723 a month. Out of that I have to pay renters insurance, buy food, pay my utility bills, pay for prescriptions, and try to provide for all of the other necessities needed to live.


Jan 22, 2021

How can I get rental assistance? I am on social security disability..for heart disease since 2010... I'm in process of loosing my car I am 4 Months behind... I can catch up WITH CAR BUT WON'T HAVE RENT MONEY. ALSO WHERE CAN I FIND OUT ABOUT ASSISTANCE PAYING A WATER BILL?


Feb 9, 2021

I need help with paying my rent.


Mar 28, 2021

I would like to see if the Catholic charities of waco help me with auto repair on my car. I recently purchased the vehicle and payed cash and when I took the car in for oil change it was brought to my attention that the value cover and fluids and the radiator needed to be flushed. And needs a new air filter as well. And some minor work in brakes.


Mar 31, 2021

I need help For rent and gas to get back an forth to work.


Sep 16, 2021

I have been a member with Catholic Charities since 2016..I have always been blessed by this organization in Ft Worth, Lubbock, and I am living in Waco and facing Eviction. I’m a Disabled Senior Citizen and I need y’all’s help more than ever..

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