Catholic Charities St Augustine Regional Office

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Catholic Charities St Augustine Regional Office

3940 Lewis Speedway
Saint Augustine, FL - 32084

  • (904) 829-6300

About Catholic Charities St Augustine Regional Office

Last-Modified: 2024-02-01 02:45:55

Catholic Charities offers a variety of services to those in need within the community. Services are as follows:
Food assistance- To families, individuals who need a supplement, or anyone who cannot afford to purchase enough food.
Please bring an official photo ID, such as a drivers license, and the original social security card for each member of the family to be served.
Homeless Prevention- Open to families with children, households that are homeless, clients referred from other agencies that have worked with the family/individual, households or individuals who have experienced domestic violence in the past 30 days and families with children that are secondary tenants. Services available include:
Rent and mortgage assistance
Utility payments
Rent and utility deposits
Rental application fees-Adoption and Pregnancy Counseling (provides services and advocacy for women with unplanned pregnancies. In accordance with the churchs teaching to respect life, our services are designed to help preserve and protect the life of the child, to provide care and nurturing for women and their children, and to assist in the building up of families through adoption.)

Hours of operation:

Monday Friday: 9:00am 3:00pm

Assistance is dependent upon available funding. Please contact them directly for more detailed information or to schedule an appointment.

Mission Statement: Catholic Charities puts faith into action to serve the most vulnerable in our community, advocating for justice, human dignity and quality of life, while reflecting the compassion of God in Christ.

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User questions & answers

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
Not cash
Added Tuesday, December 12, 2023


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

No one has answered this question yet.


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

No one has answered this question yet.

5 Reviews of Catholic Charities St Augustine Regional Office


Nov 9, 2020

67 yr old female needs low income housing.


Dec 2, 2020

I am looking for someone to help me and my family get back on our feet we are staying with friends. But you know how that goes we don't want to over stay our welcome . I am starting a job today I have orientation at 3pm so I am just looking for help to find a home for me and my husband and kids.


Dec 15, 2020

I need help with rent what do i need to do


Apr 15, 2021

I am currently homeless but have a lead on a roommate situation. However I need assistance with first months rent as I have been waiting for stimulus payments. I am on unemployment and snap program. Please let me know how I can apply for help?


May 13, 2021

I'm a VERY HARD WORKING SINGLE MOTHER THAT WORKS OVER 40 HOURS A WEEK RIGHT NOW AND I AM STILL HAVING A PROBLEM TRYING TO HAVE THE WHOLE DEPOSIT SAVED. I HAVE AN EVICTION on my record because I got wrongfully evicted at the last place I was renting so I am currently staying with family but not sure how much longer I will be able to and then me and my amazing son will literally be homeless.

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
  • Monday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed