The Town Of Freeport

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The Town Of Freeport

30 Main Street
Freeport, ME - 04032

  • (207) 865-4743
  • (207) 865-0929

About The Town Of Freeport

Last-Modified: 2024-01-29 21:07:27

The Towns of Yarmouth and Freeport have established a District Office for the administration of general assistance. This office is located in Freeport's town hall. General Assistance Program assists residents of Freeport and Yarmouth with basic necessities, such as:
Rent/mortgageFuelUtilitiesNon-elective medical servicesTelephone when medically necessaryNecessary work-related expensesClothingPersonal supplies and foodThis program continues to be a safety net for the most needy. The State reimburses municipalities 50% of the expenditures for this program. General Assistance has developed into a program that makes recipients more accountable and encourages self-reliance.
A person applying for this assistance is required to utilize all available resources, i.e. TANF, food stamps, Medicaid, fuel assistance, subsidized daycare, etc. With overall maximum levels of assistance being quite low, it is critical to network with local and area resources to access all available assistance.
Additionally, financial assistance is awarded annually for help with medical and other expenses. This money is generated through various trust funds held by each town and provides financial assistance with items such as:
Hospital expensesPrescription drugsPhysician visits and dental emergenciesApplications for these funds are available through this office and residents are eligible based on financial need. Assistance is also offered with completing Maine State Property Tax and Rent Refund forms. Forms for this program are available at the Town Office and the application must be completed and submitted by December 31st.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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1 Reviews of The Town Of Freeport


Feb 19, 2021

I am From Lewiston Maine, and was just wondering if their any way you guys can maybe help Me with paying my RENT I’ve been struggling with paying my rent and It’s late I am very short on money. Is their any way you guys can help me or ASSIST me to somewhere I can get help .

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