Department of Community and Business Development - BUCKS COUNTY

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Department of Community and Business Development - BUCKS COUNTY

1260 Almshouse Road
Doylestown, PA - 18901

  • (215) 345-3840
  • (215) 345-3865

About Department of Community and Business Development - BUCKS COUNTY

Last-Modified: 2024-02-09 09:16:43

HUD makes available competitive grants to provide housing and support services to homeless individuals and families. The principal program objectives are to help homeless persons access decent and affordable housing and increase self-determination and self-sufficiency (based on greater job skills and income). The program has three components: Supportive Housing (funding for housing and related support services), Shelter Plus Care (rental assistance for persons with disabilities), and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program (rental payments and rehabilitation of housing for homeless persons). Applications are available in the early Spring are due in the late Summer. Housing ProgramsCONTINUUM of CARE HOMELESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAMThe Brownfields for Housing Program supports the development of housing on formerly developed sites located in core communities, such as boroughs and rural villages within townships. The program requires s funding match of at least $1 for each $4 in program funds. Funding is established by the Commonwealth on an annual basis. The principal program objectives include the revitalization of older areas, the redevelopment of previously developed properties, and the creation of affordable housing. Eligible activities include the preservation of historic buildings, housing rehabilitation, demolition of structures, environmental remediation, and improving handicap access. BROWNFIELDS FOR HOUSING PROGRAM The Bucks County Housing Rehabilitation Program provides assistance to lower income homeowners for the repair and rehabilitation of their homes. The program provides a loan of up to $15,000. If lead paint removal is involved, assistance may increase to $30,000. Eligibility for participation in the program involves a minimum of one-year ownership/residency, meeting of family income criteria, and maximum assets of $10,000 ($20,000 for disabled or elderly). Eligible activities for assistance include weatherization, improvements to bring property to code and/or make it handicap accessible. HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM The Bucks County Housing Trust Fund supports two initiatives: development of housing units and a first-time homebuyer assistance program. The unit development initiative seeks to increase the supply of affordable housing (rental or ownership) for lower income groups. There is no specific timeframe for submitting applications. However, the processing and approval of any application is subject to the availability of funding. The first-time homebuyer assistance program assists households earning less than 80 percent of county median household income with down payment or mortgage closing assistance (up to $10,000), which is repaid when the property is sold, refinanced, or the title is transferred. The program requires mandatory counseling to educate interested applicants on the various facets of home ownership (e.g., mortgage terms and conditions, debt management, and household budgeting). Applications can be submitted at any time after applicants have received the mandatory counseling. HOUSING TRUST FUND PROGRAM The HOME program seeks to expand the availability of affordable housing for low income residents through partnerships between the public and private sectors. Eligible program activities include the acquisition, demolition, rehabilitation, or new construction of affordable units to the target groups. In addition the program also seeks to provide homeownership and tenant-based rental assistance, along with reimbursement for relocation costs. There is no specific timeframe for submitting applications. However, the processing and approval of any application is subject to the availability of funding. HOME PROGRAM The Department administers federal, state, and county community support and housing funding programs. Services are dispensed without regard to race, ethnicity, religion, color, gender, physical capability, or age. The principal ones include Housing Trust Fund Program, Housing Rehabilitation Program, and Brownfields for Housing Program.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Can everyone apply for rent assistance

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1 Reviews of Department of Community and Business Development - BUCKS COUNTY


Jul 10, 2020

I have disabled 5 months girls and 2 other girls will stay half of the week my husband is a busive i get unemployment telk my job back to open and my 6 minth years old about to get her ssi i make 800 aweek on un employment you can call my current landlord i never miss a payments my lease up on augest for safty concern si i can alply for child support i nedd new home that my abusive husband dont know the address.please help me and my kids to live safe my daughfer disbility losing her hearing its run in my husband family i have restraining irder against him i need help so i can afford the bills and the kids and the rent

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