Family Support Services Manor TX

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Family Support Services Manor TX

600 W. Carrie Manor St.
Manor, TX - 78653

  • (512)272-5561

About Family Support Services Manor TX

Last-Modified: 2024-02-27 19:41:25

Family Support Services Manor TX provides emergency financial assistance with:
Rent including first month\'s rent and rent for transitional housing, MortgageUtilities gasElectricWaterGrocery store vouchers for food onlyPrescriptionsMost funding sources cannot pay for rent and utility late fees, deposits, and other service fees. To apply: Must reside in Travis County for at least 60 days. Contact for a needs assessment. Documents required for each household member:
Date of birthProof of gross income for past 30 days pay stubsDocuments required for applicant:
Proof of having lived in Travis County for the past 60 days proof includes apartment lease, school registration for kids, bills, voter registration card,Photo ID or Social Security card AND birth certificateCurrent utility bill, or past due rent or mortgage billA Social Security number is not required, however, applicants and household members with a number will be asked to provide it.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Is there a online application to apply for rent assistance in manor tx?

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1 Reviews of Family Support Services Manor TX


Jan 15, 2020

I am in need of ongoing rental assistance

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