Gifts of Mercy

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Gifts of Mercy

974 Breckenridge Ln.
Louisville, KY - 40207

About Gifts of Mercy

Last-Modified: 2024-01-16 08:52:23

Provides rent assistance.
Mission Statement: Mission, Goals, and Focus is to provide spiritual helps, support, comfort, and leadership to the poor and needy, share God's Kingdom love principals with individuals and businesses from the Word of God (John 13:34, 35).

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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7 Reviews of Gifts of Mercy


Dec 3, 2020

How would one go about finding out how to get qualified to get help with paying rent what documentation is needed if someone could leave me the comment it would be greatly appreciated need help ASAP thank you so much


Dec 4, 2020

I'm in need of some help with my rent..Me and my husband are disabled and got health issues..We draw a little over 1000.00 dollars a month..And my car motor locked up right when this covid 19 hit..I'm not asking for pity or hand out it's just I grew up in foster care and I don't have any parent's to turn to or I would..Even if can't help I want to Thank you for your time..God Bless


Dec 25, 2020

Need help paying rent and utilities.


Feb 2, 2021

Im in need or rental assistance


Apr 29, 2021

Hi, my husband has fallen sick and will now not be able to go back to work for the next year if at all. I am currently looking for work, im so frustrated and deeply embarrassed to ask for assistance. But at this time I am in dire need.


May 12, 2021

Our house was flooded when a waterpipe burst later finding out the pipe down the street burst as well. Our bedrooms furniture was destroyed we have video of the damage. 2 of our children has asthma. We stayed in a hotel for a month but still was forced to pay rent. The landlord never offered to repair the damage. Going through this set us back which is devastating. My husband works and I'm supposed to get my unemployment which Ive been waiting for 5 months.


Jul 10, 2021

I am just happy to know there is still good in the world. I think what you are all doing is amazing!!

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