St. Anne Community Outreach

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St. Anne Community Outreach

2000 Kay Circle
Columbus, GA - 31907

  • (706) 561-8678
  • (706) 565-4845

About St. Anne Community Outreach

Last-Modified: 2024-02-07 19:05:21

St. Anne Community Outreach provides limited financial assistance for utilities, rent and prescription costs may also be provided, dependent upon the availability of funds.
Call for eligibility requirements or to set up an appointment.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
Added Wednesday, June 17, 2020


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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What are the requirements for assistance with a power bill. I live in Smith station, is it just for Georgia residents?

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Do you help residents with rent in Columbus

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Do this program help with first month rent?

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11 Reviews of St. Anne Community Outreach


Jul 24, 2018

I thank my Heavenly Father for St. Anne’s Outreach services. St. Anne Outreach was there for me and my son when my own family wasn’t. My son and I didn’t have heat in our home for 3 years. I woke up one morning and I heard a voice that said; “St. Anne!” I called and was seen the next morning. Within an hour, St. Anne outreach had contacted Liberty utilities and within 2 days my heat was back on. I still cry every time I think of how St. Anne outreach helped me and my son. Katie is so sweet and kind. I can go on and on about how I didn’t think anyone cared. Again!, I would like to say; “Thank you!, St. Anne Outreach!


May 21, 2020

I need help with my rent i have 3 little babies and I'm 500 behind


May 25, 2020

Hi good afternoon are y'all helping with rent and utilities


Aug 5, 2020

Yes I have an apartment right by your church and my family is struggling and I need help this month with rent and power and gas but I believe if I can get help just with my rent I can becable To pay and get help on my power and gas bill for this MONTH. I just need help just for this month with my rent which is $610 or even anything that can go toward that $610 would help me out do not have to give me the cash can write a check or to my landlord or if need be get a money order and I will have it filled out to where it is ago I have my ID and everything please help me in Jesus name ...please in God Jesus name


Sep 7, 2020

Need help paying rent


Oct 3, 2020

I need help paying my rent. Just hard at the moment with two boys and single mom.


Nov 14, 2020

I need help with rent due to job loss I have a 1year old daughter need pampers


Dec 27, 2020

I am a single parent me and my son need help with rent for this month anything that you can provide will help us, what documents do I need to bring? my rent is 725$


Dec 29, 2020

Need rental assistance


Apr 10, 2021

I need help with my rent which is $900 any that you all can help will be a blessing cause I do not have what it will take to, I lost my job last year and it has been very hard to keep up with my rent and all the other bills.


Jun 14, 2021

My tenant has applied for disability and waiting on approval. She is in need of a truck to help haul off old furniture and other Household junk items from the house. Can you assist her.

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