Coordinated Christian Response Group For Persons Over 50

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Coordinated Christian Response Group For Persons Over 50

102 Edney Avenue East
Crestview, FL - 32539

  • (850) 689-9823

About Coordinated Christian Response Group For Persons Over 50

Last-Modified: 2024-02-07 19:19:30

Coordinated Christian Response Group Provides emergency financial assistance for persons over 50 years old who are in need.
Complete list of Services:
Electric Service Payment AssistanceGas Service Payment AssistanceRent Payment AssistanceWater Service Payment AssistanceMust complete a survey of needs and other forms:
Accounts verifiedProof of IDProof of financial assistancePlease call for more information.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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4 Reviews of Coordinated Christian Response Group For Persons Over 50


May 6, 2020

Hi my family and I need help with our light bill do we qualify I'm totally disabled and my wife takes care of our children and me she try's to work with her cleaning business as much as she can. After this virus we have gotten behind on all our bills that we were all ready struggling with. Our mortgage along with our car payment. And electric bills.


Jun 3, 2020

I'm 58 and my son lol St his job due to virous he has applied for unemployment but hasn't gotten anything..I need help.with my rent which includes my lites...please..


Jul 22, 2020

Need help with water bill


Aug 4, 2020

About to be evicted need help with my rent

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