Arapahoe County Community Support Services Division Littleton

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Arapahoe County Community Support Services Division Littleton

1690 W. Littleton Blvd
Littleton, CO - 80120

  • (303) 636-1170
  • (303) 734-4301

About Arapahoe County Community Support Services Division Littleton

Last-Modified: 2023-12-22 03:04:34

General assistance helps Arapahoe County residents with emergency situations and is available to individuals who are not currently receiving public assistance. The program varies with each situation and may assist with the following emergency needs: Burial costs Emergency help with utility bills Heating bills (not available during LEAP season if payment received for current year) Prescriptions Rent (not eligible if receiving subsidized housing assistance) Transportation (bus tokens or pass) General assistance also can be used for other emergencies, depending on the situation and availability of funding. Funding is not always available. An individual may only receive general assistance once in a 12-month period. EligibilityTo be eligible for general assistance, you must meet the following requirements: Be a resident of Arapahoe County Be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal U.S. resident who is: Disabled, or Over the age of 60 years Complete an application for financial assistance. Meet the income requirements of 133 percent of Federal Poverty Guidelines. Have not received General Assistance within the past 12 months. Not currently be receiving benefits from a cash assistance programHow to ApplyTo apply for General Assistance, please request an application at our Aurora or Littleton Human Services office. You will need to undergo an interview to determine if you qualify and if funds are available. Applicants also will receive information about additional community resources in the area. Their office is available Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm to assist you.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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4 Reviews of Arapahoe County Community Support Services Division Littleton


Feb 22, 2020

Hello, I'm reaching out trying to get some help to prevent my family from being evicted. I'm disabled and unable to work, I have epilepsy and pulmanary hypertension. My wife works 60 hours a week , but with 4 children we are struggling to make ends meet. Recent unexpected expenses have put us behind. My last seizure I fell and tore my rotator cuff. With feeding 4 children and 2 adults, rent, car expenses we are drowning . I'm trying everything I can to find us help to prevent being evicted. So I'm praying you can help. Thank you Sincerely, Mario Procita God bless


Dec 23, 2020

Wanting to get rental assistance because got furloughed from work and having trouble paying my rent


Sep 26, 2021

Do you guys pay 1st and Last months rent and deposit?


Mar 2, 2022

Do you help people who sub lease a room in a house?

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
  • Monday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed