Catholic Charities Pittsburgh

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Catholic Charities Pittsburgh

212 Ninth Street
Pittsburgh, PA - 15222

  • (412) 456-6999

About Catholic Charities Pittsburgh

Last-Modified: 2024-04-05 01:18:00

Offers basic needs, rental and utility assistance programs that can prevent homelessness or re-house previously homeless individuals and families.Offers Dollar Energy assistance to avoid utility shut-offs and keep people in their homes.To qualify must be living with the 200% of the Federal Poverty Guideline.
Mission Statement: Catholic Charities is the primary social service agency of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, serving all, regardless of religious affiliation, at their time of great need.

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User questions & answers

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

3 Answers so far
Do don't give cash. If you were to receive rental assistance it would be in the form of your landlord receiving payment from them or somewhere they refer you to.
Added Monday, December 14, 2020

Added Saturday, May 9, 2020

Added Wednesday, April 1, 2020


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
The organization does not give the individual cash payments. The will either pay the debt for you or refer you to where you need to go to get another agency to do the same. No agencies just hand over cash to people. They make sure that whatever bill it is actually gets paid
Added Monday, December 14, 2020


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

No one has answered this question yet.


Do you help with security deposit?

No one has answered this question yet.

10 Reviews of Catholic Charities Pittsburgh


Dec 13, 2009

My name is Shauwna Sethman. My husband recently lost his job 2 and half months ago and I got a month behind on my rent. We live in Fayette County Housing Authority and are low income. I am not sure if you could help me with any information. I have two children and I have been so stressed over our bills. Please if you know of any help available through any local charities I would be so appreciative if you could send me anything helpful. Thank you and God bless u.


Apr 1, 2020

I need help paying my rent, I'm about to be evicted


Jun 24, 2020

Hello I was wondering if I could speak to someone to possibly assist me in my Duquesne light bill. I live in Allegheny county thank you.


Jul 6, 2020

I need help with my rent please


Jul 9, 2020

I need help paying my rent. I'm 3 months behind $3,025. Please help. This has never happened to me


Dec 30, 2020

I am a month behind on my rent from McKeesport Housing Authority I owe $290 can you please help me catch up on my rent. I live in the handicap accessible unit and had to get my car inspected and pay my electric bill up to date we brought me a month behind I also needed a tire for $125 to get it inspected.


May 1, 2021

Need help with my rent


Jul 20, 2021

Im really behind my rent of $650, i am in need to seek help from you people, I heard about Catholic charities has been very good with people in need.


Aug 4, 2021

I'm almost $4000 behind in rent.


Aug 11, 2021

I am homeless. I lost my apartment last week. I start a new job in 9 days and need a place to live until I get paid.

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
  • Monday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed