Human Rights and Human Services Department - TACOMA

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Human Rights and Human Services Department - TACOMA

747 Market, Room 836
Tacoma, WA - 98402

  • (253) 682-3401

About Human Rights and Human Services Department - TACOMA

Last-Modified: 2024-02-09 23:25:54

The City of Tacoma and Pierce County are implementing a Centralized Intake Program for all Housing Related Services. Associated Ministries253-383-3056 ext. 111 or 253-682-3401Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing ProgramOn February 17, 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,which ludes $1.5 billion for a Homelessness Prevention Fund.
Human Rights and Human Services Department - TACOMA offers program that provides Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP), that is being distributed based on the formula used for the Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) program.
Grantees may provide rental assistance or services to eligible program participants who are residing or would like to reside outside their jurisdiction.They may also fund ubgrantees that serve persons outside of the jurisdiction, subgrantees that are located outside of the jurisdiction, and subgrantees that serve multiple jurisdictions.
A grantee may establish more stringent requirements, such as requiring that HPRP funds be spent within the jurisdiction or establishing a residency requirement,but HUD is not setting these requirements.
Counties served:Clark County

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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What do I need to qualify for assistance with my rent?

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10 Reviews of Human Rights and Human Services Department - TACOMA


May 1, 2020

Need help with rent before she gives me written notice.


May 2, 2020

I need help paying my rent this month please help


May 29, 2020

It's the conoravirus, I lost my benefits, along with my home. Now I've got my benefits along with a job, I'm being denied a place due to my credit score. I've no eviction. I'm a single parent that's staying with one of my older child and he wants us out on the 1st. I've got the funds, but my credit score is getting me denied no matter where I apply please can you help. No one will cosign for me. I can't go to shelters cause of my son's pending juvenile case. I've got 2 teenagers along with one of my older son who helps me with my youngest child 24 hour monitor. He has no credit and when he applies they ask him to find a cosigner.


Jun 23, 2020

Need help paying due to not working too much hour & still waiting to received my unemployment


Sep 27, 2020

Hi we need help I don't work but only my husband he's working at the warehouse we been applying for the apartment almost a year . because this is our first apartment ....every time when we apply they ask about our rental history and our credit we have a bad credit score we tried our best to apply a apartment but it's still doesn't work .....please help us ....we only have 1daughter she only 1 years old. Right now we still looking for a place to stay


Jan 3, 2021

I am in need of rent assistance please, I have been out of work due to an accident that I am not at fault with please help me


Jan 25, 2021

I am behind on my rent by one month of 795. And 995 coming up this next month my unemployment won't come through to 46 weeks. If my stimulus one's for car and other bills. the landlord's already contacted me two or three times asking for a payment plan and I can't give it to her right now do you know any programs that will help me on this please?


May 7, 2021

I am homeless, what do I need to do get help, could use help getting housing like funds.


May 31, 2021

I'm homeless after losing my job been waiting for unemployment just started receiving EBT last month but have two sons that I have taken care of with my 7yr employment and now I'm in a predicament to where I don't have an adaquite place for me and my boys to go to when it's my time being I have shared custody and am in fear I may lose that as well is there any help men...


Jun 6, 2021

I am homeless and need help getting off the streets

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