Delaware County Community Action Agency

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Delaware County Community Action Agency

Toal Building, Ground Floor 2nd and Orange Street
Media, PA - 19063

  • (610) 891-5101
  • (610) 565-9332

About Delaware County Community Action Agency

Last-Modified: 2024-02-15 14:46:47

The Delaware County Community Action Agencyoffers assistance to families and individuals to promote economic self sufficiency and thus reducing dependence on public support through innovative approaches to programs including:
Provision of Professional Case Management ServicesLife skills trainingEmployment trainingProvision of Social ServicesHousing rehabilitation and community development.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

1 Answers so far
Added Sunday, January 17, 2021


Are there any landlord / tenant rental Assistance non COVID-19 related programs?

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12 Reviews of Delaware County Community Action Agency


May 6, 2020

Good day! I'm currently looking for assistance to help pay my rent.


May 8, 2020

I am almost 3 months behind due to Covid 19 and being furloughed. I still haven’t received unemployment or the stimulus check. Can anyone help me?


May 12, 2020

I really need assistance with my rent i am been out of work since march and I don’t have no income at all and i have 4 small children and wife


May 13, 2020

Im on disability I applied for section 8 think it was 3-4yrs.ago how do I go about checking my status for either assistance paying for Currant living situation or availability of a lower cost living establishment?


May 16, 2020

Homeless cant pay rent nomore n I still never got return n stimulus..identity theft n I was only renting a room off some body n m K kid was with me too


Jun 8, 2020

What documents do you need for cash assistance for transportation and over the counter medical supplies and or utilities help?


Jun 11, 2020

Hello , i extremely need help with paying rent , I’m only working 2 days and my income just not enough. i have a small child living with me and i can’t afford to lose my apartment due to this Covid-19.


Jun 16, 2020

Need help with Peco and transportation and over the counter medicine and cleaning supplies and mask any help would be a blessing


Jul 3, 2020

How can I get assistance for Transportation back and forth to work?My hours was reduced from 20 hrs plus to 13.5 or 15 hours just getting ready to go back full time but I need Transportation assistance until I get a couple of checks


Oct 20, 2020

Need help with rent desperately I've been trying since beginning of covid


Jan 10, 2021

I'm homeless, I need help getting a place for me and my kids. I don't know what's to do. Could some one. Point me in the right place. I'm also on SSI.Please Help.thanks.


Aug 30, 2021

My house is sinking pretty quickly and it need a place to stay please!

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