Social Services - DAKOTA COUNTY

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Social Services - DAKOTA COUNTY

1 Mendota Road W
Saint Paul, MN - 55118

  • (651) 437-3191

About Social Services - DAKOTA COUNTY

Last-Modified: 2024-03-21 01:53:18

The Social Services - DAKOTA COUNTY provides eviction prevention assistance to Dakota County families to resolve a housing crisis. This is usually a one-time payment to help resolve back rent or pay a damage deposit after an eviction.

Eligibility for Eviction Prevention Assistance:   

If the household is eligible for Emergency Assistance through the County, they must apply for Emergency Assistance and complete the application process.  If Emergency Assistance is not available or denied, the family may contact the Supportive Housing Unit for review.     The household must be willing and able to provide all requested proofs including:

Proof of evictionProof of hardshipProof of incomeProof of expensesTax returnsAny income not needed for basic needs will be considered available income to resolve the housing crisis. The Supportive Housing Unit cannot supplement income. The situation must be resolvable and the housing must be affordable in order for SHU to assist. 

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
Proof of income, bank statements for the past 4 weeks, Unemployment benefit letter that has yrs name and current address on it. Landlords name ,phone and address.
Added Saturday, September 26, 2020


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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3 Reviews of Social Services - DAKOTA COUNTY


Jul 25, 2020

I am in dire need of rent assistance because if I cannot get the money for rent and I’m disabled and don’t have anywhere else to go


Feb 13, 2021

I need help with my rent since December I didn’t pay rent I’m hopeless and I don’t have help and I have kids


Dec 16, 2021

I need to speak with someone regarding some rental assistance. We would be able to pay this back, if needed.

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